
The topology describes atomic and molecular properties as well as processes and reactions.

Global Properties

The following keywords control temperature, simulation box size etc., and must be placed outer-most in the input file.

temperature: 298.15  # system temperature (K)
  type: cuboid       # Cuboidal simulation container
  length: [40,40,40] # cuboid dimensions (array or number)
mcloop:              # number of MC steps (macro x micro)
  macro: 5           # Number of outer MC steps
  micro: 100         # ...inner MC steps; total steps: 5x100=5000
random:              # seed for pseudo random number generator
  seed: fixed        # "fixed" (default) or "hardware" (non-deterministic)


Below is a list of possible geometries, specified by type, for the simulation container, indicating if and in which directions periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are applied. Origin ($0,0,0$) is always placed in the geometric center of the simulation container.

geometry PBC Required keywords
cuboid $x,y,z$ length (array or single float)
slit $x,y$ length (array or single float)
hexagonal $x,y$ radius (inscribed/inner), length (along z)
cylinder $z$ radius, length (along z)
sphere none radius

Atom Properties

Atoms are the smallest possible particle entities with properties defined below.

atomlist Description
activity=0 Chemical activity for grand canonical MC [mol/l]
pactivity -log10 of chemical activity (will be converted to activity)
alphax=0 Excess polarizability (unit-less)
dp=0 Translational displacement parameter [Å]
dprot=0 Rotational displacement parameter [degrees] (will be converted to radians)
eps=0 Epsilon energy scaling commonly used for Lennard-Jones interactions etc. [kJ/mol]
mu=[0,0,0] Dipole moment vector [eÅ]
mulen=|mu| Dipole moment scalar [eÅ]
mw=1 Molecular weight [g/mol]
q=0 Valency or partial charge number [$e$]
r=0 Radius = sigma/2 [Å]
sigma=0 2r [Å] (overrides radius)
tension=0 Surface tension [kJ/mol/Å$^2$]
tfe=0 Transfer free energy [kJ/mol/Å$^2$/M]

A filename (.json) may be given instead of an atom definition to load from an external atom list. Atoms are loaded in the given order, and if it occurs more than once, the latest entry is used.


  - Na: {q:  1.0, sigma: 4, eps: 0.05, dp: 0.4}
  - Ow: {q: -0.8476, eps: 0.65, sigma: 3.165, mw: 16}
  - my-external-atomlist.json
  - ...

Molecule Properties

A molecule is a collection of atoms, but need not be associated as real molecules. Two particular modes can be specified:

  1. If atomic=true the atoms in the molecule are unassociated and is typically used to define salt particles or other non-aggregated species. No structure is required, and the molecular center of mass (COM) is unspecified.
  2. If atomic=false the molecule resembles a real molecule and a structure or trajectory is required.

Properties of molecules and their default values:

moleculelist Description
activity=0 Chemical activity for grand canonical MC [mol/l]
atomic=false True if collection of atomic species, salt etc.
atoms=[] Array of atom names - required if atomic=true
bondlist List of internal bonds (harmonic, dihedrals etc.)
implicit=false If this species is implicit in GCMC schemes
insdir=[1,1,1] Insert directions are scaled by this
insoffset=[0,0,0] Shifts mass center after insertion
keeppos=false Keep original positions of structure
keepcharges=true Keep original charges of structure (aam/pqr files)
rigid=false Set to true for rigid molecules. Affects energy evaluation.
rotate=true If false, the original structure will not be rotated upon insertion
structure Structure file or direct information - required if atomic=false
traj Read conformations from PQR trajectory (structure will be ignored)
trajweight One column file w. relative weights for each conformation. Must match frames in traj file.
trajcenter=false Move CM of conformations to origo assuming whole molecules (default: false)


  - salt: {atoms: [Na,Cl], atomic: true}
  - water:
        - harmonic: {index: [0,1], k: 100, req: 1.5}
        - ...
  - ...

Structure Loading Policies

When giving structures using the structure keyword, the following policies apply:

  • structure can be a file name: file.@ where @=xyz|pqr|aam
  • structure can be an array of atom names and their positions: - Mg: [2.0,0.1,2.0]
  • structure can be a FASTA sequence: {fasta: [AAAAAAAK], k: 2.0; req: 7.0} which generates a linear chain of harmonically connected atoms. FASTA letters are translated into three letter residue names which must be defined in atomlist. Special letters: n=NTR, c=CTR, a=ANK.
  • Radii in files are ignored; atomlist definitions are used.
  • By default, charges in files are used; atomlist definitions are ignored. Use keepcharges=False to override.
  • A warning is issued if radii/charges differ in files and atomlist.
  • Box dimensions in files are ignored.

Initial Configuration

Upon starting a simulation, an initial configuration is required and must be specified in the section insertmolecules as a list of valid molecule names. Molecules are inserted in the given order and may be inactive. If a group is marked atomic, its atoms is inserted N times.


  - salt:  { N: 10 }
  - water: { N: 256 }
  - water: { N: 1, inactive: true }

The following keywords for each molecule type are available:

insertmolecules Description
N Number of molecules to insert
inactive=false Deactivates inserted molecules
positions Load positions from file (aam, pqr, xyz)
translate=[0,0,0] Displace loaded positions with vector

A filename with positions for the N molecules can be given with positions. The file must contain exactly N-times molecular positions that must all fit within the simulation box. Only positions from the file are copied; all other information is ignored.

Overlap Check

Random insertion is repeated until there is no overlap with the simulation container boundaries. Overlap between particles is ignored and for i.e. hard-sphere potentials the initial energy may be infinite.

Equilibrium Reactions (beta)

Faunus supports density fluctuations, coupled to chemical equilibria with explicit and/or implicit particles via their chemical potentials as defined in the reactionlist detailed below, as well as in atomlist and moleculelist.

  - "AH = A + H": { pK: 4.8 }
  - "Mg(OH)2 = Mg + OH + OH": { lnK: -25.9 }

The initial string describes a transformation of reactants (left of =) into products (right of =) that may be a mix of atomic and molecular species.

An implicit reactant or product is an atom which is included in the equilibrium constant but it is not represented explicitly in the simulation cell. A common example is the acid-base equilibrium of the aspartic acid (treated here as atomic particle):

  - "HASP = ASP + H": { pK: 4.0 }

where H is included in the atomlist as

  - H: { implicit: true, activity: 1e-7 }

and we set pK equal to the pKa, i.e., $$ K_a = \frac{ a_{\mathrm{ASP}} a_{\mathrm{H}} }{ a_{\mathrm{HASP}} }. $$ To simulate at a given constant pH, H is specified as an implicit atom of activity $10^{-\mathrm{pH}}$ and the equilibrium is modified accordingly (in this case K is divided by $a_{\mathrm{H}}$). An acid-base equilibrium, or any other single-atom ID transformation (see the Move section), can also be coupled with the insertion/deletion of a molecule. For example,

  - "HASP + Cl = ASP + H": { pK: 4.0 }
  - "= Na + Cl": { }

where Na and Cl are included in the moleculelist as

  - Cl: {atoms: [cl], atomic: true, activity: 0.1 } 
  - Na: {atoms: [na], atomic: true, activity: 0.1 } 

In this case K is both divided by $a_{\mathrm{H}}$ and $a_{\mathrm{Cl}}$, so that the actual equilibrium constant used by the speciation move is

$$ K’ = \frac{K_a}{a_{ \mathrm{H} } a_{ \mathrm{Cl} } } = \frac{ a_{\mathrm{ASP}} }{ a_{\mathrm{HASP}} a_{\mathrm{Cl}} }. $$

In an ideal system, the involvement of Cl in the acid-base reaction does not affect the equilibrium since the grand canonical ensemble ensures that the activity of Cl matches its concentration in the simulation cell.

Note that:

  • all species, +, and = must be surrounded by white-space
  • atom and molecule names cannot overlap
  • you may repeat species to match the desired stoichiometry

Available keywords:

reactionlist Description
lnK/pK Molar equilibrium constant either as $\ln K$ or $-\log_{10}(K)$

Warning: This functionality is under construction and subject to change. {: .notice–warning}